Contribute Now
Make a Contribution
Use any major credit card or PayPal to make a memorial contribution or a tribute gift marking a special event, occasion.
Your contribution will be used in Wisconsin to promote awareness about the importance of donation and transplantation. Donate Life Wisconsin is dedicated to increasing the number of people who say YES by becoming a registered organ, eye and tissue donor.
Contact the Director of Operations for assistance: chuber@donatelifewisconsin.org.
Mail a Check:
Make all checks payable to: Donate Life Wisconsin.
If you would like Donate Life Wisconsin to send a receipt or an acknowledgement of your gift to a friend, colleague or family member, please include details with your check.
Contact the Director of Operations for assistance: chuber@donatelifewisconsin.org.
Mail checks to:
Donate Life Wisconsin
PO Box 1095
Madison, WI 53701-1095
Special Occasions or Events
Whether it’s a small gathering of family and friends or a community event, ask guests or attendees to make a financial gift to Donate Life Wisconsin.
Headed to the DMV this year?
It’s easy for anyone to show their support for organ, tissue and eye donation while completing their application or renewal forms at the DMV. Just check YES when asked the question about donating $2 to support Donate Life Wisconsin.
Check-off dollars raised are used to fund the DLW Innovation and Impacts Grants program. This unique program provides funding to train professionals, create new materials and public awareness campaigns, promote living donation and support families.