Donate Life Wisconsin (DLW) is committed to providing accurate information and promoting awareness about the importance of registering as an organ, tissue and eye donor.
DLW welcomes requests for speakers for Drivers Education classes as well as community/business meetings, professional trainings or faith community events
Contact Donate LIfe Wisconsin to request speakers or to receive print-ready files of any of the resources on this page.
How can we help?
Drivers Education Classroom Resources
When Wisconsin teens go to the DMV to get a driver’s license, they are asked to make a lifesaving decision: “Do you wish to register as an organ, tissue and eye donor?”
Here in Wisconsin, individuals under the age of 18 who participate in a driver’s education program have the opportunity to learn about organ, tissue and eye donation before they have to make this decision.
DLW provides classroom instructional materials and makes speakers available for drivers education instructors statewide. DLW is committed to supporting instructors comply with Wisconsin state law that mandates at least 30 minutes of education about organ, tissue and eye donation.
Classroom Guide and Slide Deck
Donate Life Wisconsin (DLW) offers a classroom guide and interactive PowerPoint presentation for instructors of drivers education. These free materials are designed to assist instructors fulfill core curriculum requirements regarding organ, tissue and eye donation information.
DLW can also provide in-person or virtual speakers for presentations on organ, tissue and eye donation. Request a speaker by completing the form below.
Hear from an Instructor
My name is Jamie Sparks, a driver’s education instructor for the Cooperative Educational Service Agency (CESA) 2. CESA 2 provides services to 74 member school districts throughout Dane, Green, Jefferson, Kenosha, Racine, Rock, and Walworth counties in southern Wisconsin.
Over the past five years, I have had the pleasure of having volunteer guest speakers join our driver’s education classes. I can attest to the positive impression these speakers have made on many of our students. By sharing their personal stories these speakers help teens think critically about the impact of their decision to register as an organ, tissue and eye donor when they apply for their license.
During class, students have the opportunity to ask questions directly to individuals whose lives have been personally touched by donation. I know that this helps them gain knowledge about organ , tissue and eye donation as well as separate fact from fiction. These volunteers serve as tangible examples to teens about the power of organ, tissue and eye donation.
I highly recommend utilizing the free 30-minute classroom PowerPoint presentation available through Donate Life Wisconsin.
Whether a class is in-person or offered virtually, I encourage instructors to also request a trained speaker for the donation education session. The relationship created between these local volunteers and the teens help save lives by increasing the number of those who SAY YES to donating life in Wisconsin.