Orange Dot
Wisconsinites can register to be an organ, tissue, and eye donor when receiving or renewing their driver’s license or State I.D. at any Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Service Center. Find locations.
When you check the YES box you are giving hope to the many people who are waiting for a lifesaving transplant and life-improving surgery! Saying yes legally authorizes the gift of your organs, tissues, and eyes upon your death.
It is easy to register to become a donor. Simply check YES in the box on the Wisconsin Driver License Application form or on the State I.D. Wisconsin Identification Card Application. Your choice will be reflected by the orange “DONOR” dot printed on your driver’s license or state ID that you receive in the mail after your visit to the DMV.
Your decision to register as a donor adds your name to Wisconsin’s Donor Registry, which can save and improve the lives of others through transplantation, therapy, research, or education.
Individuals who sign-up online through the Wisconsin Department of Health Services Organ & Tissue Donor Registry are registered as a donor but will not receive an orange “DONOR” dot on your license or State I.D. It is not necessary to register through both. It is not required to have the orange “DONOR” dot on your license as medical professionals will check the Wisconsin Donor Registry if donation becomes an option.